Municipal Museum in Nižná Myšľa

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Picturesque eastern Slovak village Nižná Myšľa is best known for its archaeological excavations, on its territory was located one of our oldest prehistoric sites. Archaeological as well as other cultural heritage of the community and the region, particularly monuments pertaining to the church history and the history of the monastic orders, are accessible to the general public in Municipal Museum in Nižná Myšľa based in the old cloister in the village. Museum should be avoided by any visitor to the region, because it is boasting such rarities as the oldest children's toy in Slovakia or 3,700 years old ritual bread. In addition to exposure in above ground areas of the building, there are also the ancient monastery catacombs available to the visitors.
NOTE: It is necessary to arrange the visit in advance over the phone.


Region: Košice (Košický kraj)

GPS: 48.623195 21.368435


Address: Veľká Nemecká 2, Nižná Myšľa, 044 15

Phone: +421 55 698 01 24



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