Monument to the "illustrious soldiers of the Red Army" in Košice

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Monument to the soldiers of the Soviet Army in the Liberators Square stands in Košice since 1945. Consisting of two columns decorated with symbols of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, which carry the eternal flame lights and festive inscription: "To the liberators, the famous Red Army soldiers, from the citizens of Košice 1945. Eternal glory to the fallen heroes in the struggle for freedom and independence of the Soviet Union. Glory to the Red Army, liberator of Czechoslovakia from the yoke of German fascist invaders. Glory to heroes of the Great Patriotic War. The glory to the Russian arms." And for us there is not much left to say but: " Both now and always, and unto the ages of ages. Amen."


Region: Košice (Košický kraj)

GPS: 48.71685 21.260722


Address: Námestie osloboditeľov, Košice, 040 01

Phone: +421 55 625 88 88




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