Jakab´s Palace in Košice

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Breathtaking Gothic palace located in Košice city park was built at the end of the 19th century by a significant architect Arpad Jakab from Košice as his private residence. Interesting is that he used the parts of the construction of the Cathedral of St. Elizabeth that have been discarded in its reconstruction. After the liberation of Košice by the Red Army in 1945 it was the residence of the Czechoslovak president Edvard Beneš.


Region: Košice (Košický kraj)

GPS: 48.721901 21.262734


Address: Štefánikova 900/1, Košice, 040 01

Phone: +421 55 625 88 88

Email: visit@visitkosice.eu

Web: http://www.visitkosice.eu/sk/o-kosiciach/najkrajsie-pamiatky/jakabov-palac



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