Vojtech Löffler Museum in Košice

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Museum or rather a gallery of Vojtech Löffler in Old Town of Košice presents the visitors a unique artistic work of one of the most important sculptors of the 20th century from Košice. A part of the permanent exhibition is also a memorial room of the Löffler family and collection of self-portraits from known artists of the region. In addition to the permanent exhibition, the museum also organizes regular temporary exhibitions, concerts, meetings and various other events.


Region: Košice (Košický kraj)

GPS: 48.719609 21.255471


Address: Alžbetina 20, Košice - Staré mesto, 040 01

Phone: +421 55 622 30 73

Email: lofflermuzeum@gmail.com

Web: http://www.lofflermuzeum.sk/uvod

Visitors information

Opening hours: http://www.lofflermuzeum.sk/node/4

Admission Fee: http://www.lofflermuzeum.sk/node/10


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