Lúčky Waterfall

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The spa village Lúčky is proud of having a unique national natural monument, which is a 13-metre high cascade waterfall falling into a small lake. The waterfall does not freeze over thanks to thermal spa springs thus visitors can admire it all year round. It is situated just a short walk from the centre of the village where visitors can also find the Church of Exaltation of the Holy Cross.


Region: Ružomberok (Žilinský kraj)

GPS: 49.129767 19.403306


Address: Lúčky, 034 82

Phone: +421 44 439 22 52

Email: obeclucky@stonline.sk

Web: http://www.obeclucky.sk/ochrana-prirody/narodna-prirodna-pamiatka-lucansky-vodopad


Rastislav 26.03.2017 o 18:51 visited 23.03.2017
Lúčanský vodopád
willi 28.03.2016 o 21:44 visited 26.03.2016
Krásny vodopád v každom počasí.

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