Čebrať hill - 1054 m.a.s.l.

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Majestic Cebrať hill of High Fatra stands dominantly over the Ružomberok and can be spotted from each part of the town. The hill itself belongs to mountain range called Šípska Fatra and has two peaks. Availible for tourists is only the smaller one – Predný Čebrať (945 m.a.s.l.). This place is great lookout point. It offers beautiful view not only on Ružomberok,  ridges of High Fatra and Low Tatras, but also mountains like Kriváň and Veľký Choč. Hiking trails to Čebrať hill start in Ružomberok, from where you take red marked tourist path.


Region: Ružomberok (Žilinský kraj)

GPS: 49.094398 19.286903


Address: Veľká Fatra, Ružomberok, 034 01

Web: http://sk.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C4%8Cebra%C5%A5



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