Hotel Havrania

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Hotel Havrania is embraced by thick and deep forests of the Malá Fatra mountains. The tranquillity, the incomparably pure air, the view of the Rozsutec mountain and one of the most beautiful scenic overlooks in Slovakia comprise the genuine balsam for both, your body and your soul. The experience of the unique gifts of nature is enhanced by the modern hotel services. Hotel Havrania is a Zázrivá's symbol for a pleasant stay with your family, friends, colleagues or business partners. The individual and friendly approach of our staff is part of the family atmosphere you will find in our hotel. The cosy rooms and common areas provide sufficient intimacy and comfort.
In our restaurant, the guest can indulge in the European cuisine, or be lured by secrets of the local specialties. The selection of high-quality wine is particularly wide. Summer BBQ parties at a log-cabin having an unforgettable view of the summer set are simply exceptional. Evenings in the summer house are livened up by live music.
Hotel Havrania ideally connects nature and work. The conference room is quipped with state-of-art computer, projection and sound technologies. It goes without saying that internet connection is available in the whole hotel.
Hotel Havrania is a popular place for weddings, parties, anniversary or graduation celebrations, and family events. Accommodation for the newly-weds often comes as a gift from the Hotel Havrania.
Hotel Havrania is an ideal place for families with children. A children's playground with a sand pit, swings and climbing frames, and discos and movies for children make only a short list of what we have prepared for your children.


Region: Dolný Kubín (Žilinský kraj)

GPS: 49.302156 19.18799


Address: Havrania 81, Zázrivá, 027 05

Phone: +421 43 589 63 62



Visitors information



Price from: 39.00 €

Max. number of people: 53

Facilities: [translation missing], [translation missing], [translation missing], [translation missing], [translation missing], [translation missing], [translation missing], [translation missing], [translation missing], [translation missing], Internet, [translation missing], [translation missing], [translation missing], [translation missing], [translation missing]

Min. persons per night: 1

Min. nights: 1

Bedrooms: 17

Bathrooms: 19

Toilets: 19


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