The Big rock near Ružomberok

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One of the interesting destinations in the Ružomberok area is a beautiful dolomite reef called very simply – Veľká skala ( The Big rock).  This impressive landscape is situated between Ružomberok and Vlkolínec, in the ridge extended from Sidorovo hill. Geographically, it belongs to the same mountain range – High Fatra. The biggest advantage, other than the beautiful nature surrounding  the scenery, is an easy acces and spectacular view. This is however unexpected, as the hill is only 918 meters high. Veľká skala is mainly visited as a part of the hike from Ružomberok to Sidorovo hill and down to Vlkolínec or the other way around.
UPDATE – jun 2014: Hiking trail to the top of Veľká skala was cancelled. The marked route runs just underneath the lookout, which is easily accesible, however, movement out of marked trails and paths is forbidden.


Region: Ružomberok (Žilinský kraj)

GPS: 49.059498 19.278526


Address: Veľká Fatra, Ružomberok, 034 01

Phone: +421 44 431 36 11




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