Photo author : Zuzana Grúňová
  • Kostolík sv. Štefana kráľa ZA 2 - Zuzana Grúňová
  • Kostolík sv. Štefana kráľa ZA 3 - Sokoljan
  • Kostolík sv. Štefana kráľa ZA 4 - Julo
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St. Štefan Kráľ Church in Žilina

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The late Roman church of St. Štefan Kráľ is the oldest cultural monument in Žilina and one of the oldest buildings of its kind in north-western Slovakia. Its origins date back to the 13th century. Beautiful interior of the church hides preserved medieval wall paintings. In the area of  the church bordered by a stone wall with a few small towers is also small field chapel and foundations of medieval ossuary. The chapel walls and remnants of the ossuary are - like the church itself - registered in the central register of national cultural monuments in Slovakia.


Region: Žilina (Žilinský kraj)

GPS: 49.216138 18.726993


Address: Závodská cesta 11, Žilina, 010 01

Phone: +421 41 723 31 86




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