Ján Vykopal´s House in Žilina

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Kálov, once a famous suburbs and major gateway to Žilina, hides many interesting historic buildings. One of them is the house of known Žilina-born photographer and traveler Ján Vykopal. The dominant feature of this impressive Art Nouveau building from the early 20th century is a beautiful colour mosaic in Alfonz Mucha style.


Region: Žilina (Žilinský kraj)

GPS: 49.225715 18.740589


Address: Kálov 3, Žilina, 010 01

Phone: +421 41 723 31 86

Email: info@tikzilina.eu

Web: http://www.tikzilina.eu/905.0/vykopalov-dom-na-kalove-/


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