Pension Astra

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The boarding house Astra provides a modern accommodation, available all over the year, offering a quality staying in a peaceful and lovely surrounding in spa town of Piešťany.
Astra is situated in the town-centre near the town-park. The place, full of green, can make your staying pleasant if you would like to enjoy your holiday, business trip or a spa staying. Its suitable position provides within easy reach to a relax, entertainment and shopping as well.
In the boarding house there are 8 rooms and 3 apartments. The rooms are double-beds with a possibility of an extra bed. All the rooms have a bathroom and toilet en-suite, with a safe, a satellite TV, a telephone, WiFi with a free connection to the internet. Each room includes a full-furnished kitchen with a refrigerator. The apartments consist of 2 rooms (a bedroom and living-room), a kitchen and bathroom with a toilet.
In the boarding house there is a dining room used for serving breakfast.
To spend a relaxing time it is possible to use a relaxing room with a Jacuzzi and a sauna, a large pleasant garden with a place for sitting and relaxing. There is also a free locked parking place.


Region: Piešťany (Trnavský kraj)

GPS: 48.595076 17.833771


Address: Pod Párovcami 1348/21, Piešťany, 92101

Phone: +421 033 774 47 80



Visitors information



Price from: 26.50 €

Max. number of people: 33

Facilities: [translation missing], [translation missing], [translation missing], [translation missing], [translation missing], Internet, [translation missing], [translation missing]

Min. persons per night: 1

Min. nights: 1

Room format: 7x2+1, 4xAPT (1x2+1)

Bedrooms: 11

Kitchens: 9

Bathrooms: 11

Toilets: 11


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