Photo author : Oldrich Sova
  • Smolenický zámok 2 - João Ferro
  • Smolenický zámok 3
  • Smolenický zámok 4
  • Smolenický zámok 5
  • Smolenický zámok 6
  • Smolenický zámok 7
  • Smolenický zámok 8
  • Smolenický zámok 9
  • Smolenický zámok 10
  • Smolenický zámok 11
  • Smolenický zámok 12
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Smolenice Castle

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At the eastern foothills of Malé Karpaty (Small Carpathians), overlooking the town of Smolenice, rising above the surrounding treetops, is a castle with whitish walls and red rooftops. This castle was built from an old sentry castle and its most important owners were counts from the Erdödy family. One of them – not the brightest one of them – is said to have handed out wine to his soldiers as a replacement for water when their well dried out during a siege by kuruc soldiers. The drunken soldiers grew tired of fighting and thought that the most sensible thing to do would be to make peace with the enemy. As soon they opened the gates, the castle was taken over. Nowadays the castle is used by the Slovak Academy of Sciences as a convention centre for hosting science conventions attended by scientists from all over the world. The castle is therefore open to the public only partially and during the summer. Apart from the castle, Smolenice offers other tourist attractions as well. Worth mentioning is the Driny Cave or the Molpír Museum with a commemorative room devoted to Štefan Banič, the most important person born in Smolenice, the inventor of the parachute.

Smolenice Castle is used by the Slovak Academy of Sciences as a convention centre. In summer the castle is partially open to the public.


Region: Trnava (Trnavský kraj)

GPS: 48.513534 17.432448


Address: Zámocká 1/18, Smolenice, 919 04

Phone: +421 33 5586 191



Visitors information

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Admission Fee:

Smolenice - Buková 24.04.2016 vlado
Kategória: Route Historical monuments Castles, Manor houses, Chateaus Churches, Pilgrim places
Najvyššia časť Malých Karpát ukrýva mnoho zaujímavých miest ktoré by nemal vynechať žiaden turista. Trasu po tejto nádhernej oblasti začneme v Smoleniciach kde môžeme navštíviť Smolenický zámok. Pokračujeme od miestneho kostola, a... Read more


dusickar 15.04.2018 o 11:21 visited 01.11.2017
Tento zámok s históriou nemá nič spoločné, je to len hotel a biznis pre SAV. Zámok ako taký sklamanie. Otvorený je len v letných mesiacoch. Jediné čo je dobré na zámku, je výhľad z veže, inak nič. Okolie je ale prekrásne, je tu veľa zelených lúk, jazierko, veľa turistických trás. Dobré na prechádzku s rodinou. 
marekajanka 17.05.2017 o 21:02 visited 14.05.2017
okolie a stavba perfekt len skoda ze je to hotel
Heady 29.08.2016 o 15:31 visited

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