Apartment Petanque

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Luxurious accommodation in a detached house, with two air-conditioned bedrooms, two bathrooms, a common kitchen, dining and living room. This is a modern accommodation Petanque in a recently opened apartment in Sládkovičovo.
Cable and wifi internet throughout the building, satellite TV and radio reception, parking in a closed courtyard under a shelter for two cars, covered private terrace, petanque court. These are the little things that any guest with high standard needs will appreciate. The total capacity of only 2x2 bedrooms ensures maximum privacy and creates ideal conditions for work and relax.
Help us to create you a second home on your travels.


Region: Galanta (Trnavský kraj)

GPS: 48.197306 17.635278


Address: Mlynská 949/13, Sládkovičovo, 925 21

Phone: +421 908 985 834

Email: a-petanque@a-petanque.sk

Web: http://www.a-petanque.sk/

Visitors information

Pricelist: http://www.a-petanque.sk/index.php?id=17


Price from: 15.00 €

Max. number of people: 4

Facilities: [translation missing], [translation missing], [translation missing], [translation missing], Internet, [translation missing]

Min. persons per night: 1

Min. nights: 1

Room format: 2x2

Bedrooms: 2

Kitchens: 1

Bathrooms: 1

Toilets: 1


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