Missionary Museum in Nitra

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Missionary Museum of Society of the Word of the God in Nitra is located in pleasant surroundings of Nitra Calvary, far away from the busy city. The main part of museum’s exhibition consists of objects, which Slovak missionaries brought from their travels around the world. There are displayed objects of everyday use, weapons, cult and art works. The museum is also proud of the exhibition animals from all over the world and beautiful exhibition of butterflies. A building of Missionary house of the Mother of God, where the museum is housed, is a beautiful historical monument with elements of Romanesque, Renaissance and Baroque architecture.


Region: Nitra (Nitriansky kraj)

GPS: 48.298401 18.091359


Address: Kalvária 715/3, Nitra, 949 01

Phone: +421 37 776 94 40

Web: http://www.verbisti.sk/web/misijna-animacia/misijne-muzeum

Visitors information

Opening hours: http://www.verbisti.sk/web/misijne-muzeum-kontakt

Admission Fee: http://www.verbisti.sk/web/misijne-muzeum-kontakt


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