Tematín Castle

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High up in the mountains of Považský Inovec, proudly sit the old ruins of Tematín Castle. As legend has it, the castle was built by a miserable Hungarian warrior near the final resting place of his fiancée, so that he could always be there for her. The name of the castle supposedly comes from the Hungarian word “temetöhely” which means cemetery. The castle is surrounded by beautiful countryside. While hiking up to the castle, visitors can get engrossed in untouched woodlands and meadows bordered with white dolomite slopes. The castle offers a captivating view of the Danubian Lowland with protruding Carpathians and Myjava Highland in the background. However, visitors are strongly advised not to stay in the castle till too late in the evening and should plan their return hike accordingly, because there is a rumour that every midnight the ghost of Mikuláš Beresényi, the last valiant defender of the castle, together with his trusty dog Iskra, roams the ancient ruins.


Region: Nové Mesto nad Váhom (Trenčiansky kraj)

GPS: 48.677134 17.929019


Address: Lúka, 916 33

Phone: +421 908 532 766

Email: tematin@tematin.eu

Web: http://www.tematin.eu

Visitors information

Opening hours: Free access

Admission Fee: Free access


marekajanka 25.03.2018 o 18:36 visited 25.03.2018
perfektné prostredie troška dlhšia túra ale dali sme to v tejto zime a na konci prekvapenie horel tam ohník na zahriatie a spravili nám kávičku a čaj dá sa povedať prvá zrúcanina s bufetom . veľmi super   

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