Column of Shame (pillory) in Stará Turá
Unique cultural and historical monument of smallish town Stará Turá is the pillory or column of shame originating from the 17th century. Pillory stood on the site, where most people passed by and served as the public "display" of all sorts of offenders. Adulterer, blasphemer, backbiter, drunkard or other ne'er was chained to the column becoming the target of public ridicule and condemnation (sometimes even saliva or a well flying food), thinking twice, if will his shameful deed will happen ever again. On pillory are still visible firmly embedded chains.
Realy umark as visited?
Region: Nové Mesto nad Váhom (Trenčiansky kraj)
GPS: 48.778617 17.692863
Address: Námestie Slobody (pred Kostolom Nanebovzatia Panny Márie), Stará Turá, 916 01
Phone: +421 32 746 16 11
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