Radoľa Manor House

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The Renaissance manor house in Radoľa, a small village near Kysucké Nové Mesto, is one of the oldest historic landmarks in Kysuce Region. This manor house, surrounded by picturesque rural landscape, houses the expositions from Kysuce Museum in Čadca concerning firstly, the most remote history of the region (starting from the primeval ages, moving though Slavonic Settlement up to the Middle Ages) and secondly, the way of life of the urban dwellers of nineteenth century Slovakia. Museum’s biggest attraction, especially for children, is the 190 centimetres tall baby mammoth replica that weighs a quarter of a tonne. Visitors visiting Radoľa Manor House should not miss the opportunity to visit the Kysuce Village Museum in nearby Vychylovka, Nová Bystrica which features a historical railway with antique steam engines as well.


Region: Kysucké Nové Mesto (Žilinský kraj)

GPS: 49.295384 18.788225


Address: Kaštieľ Radoľa, Radoľa, 024 03

Phone: +421 41 421 25 05

Email: kastiel@kysuckemuzeum.sk

Web: http://www.kysuckemuzeum.sk/kastiel-radola

Visitors information

Opening hours: http://www.kysuckemuzeum.sk/index.php/informe-topmenu-271

Admission Fee: http://www.kysuckemuzeum.sk/index.php/informe-topmenu-271


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